With the Expressway Marathon now postponed, it doesn’t mean we can’t race this weekend.
Put on your racing shoes & show up at the Karen Vienna Loop on Saturday 6th July from 6AM onwards & still run the distance that you had planned to do this weekend. This is a self supported run & also with no race bibs.
But guess what? We have 60 beautiful interlocking medals waiting for you at the finish line. Don’t miss it!
But even if you don’t want/get the medal please come let’s show love & togetherness & Run As One in the best way we can as runners during this monumental season in our country.
Registration is paying Kshs.1,000/= via the Fitflex Sportx Adventures Mpesa Till No.8786924 to and then send your Mpesa payment confirmation message to 0745509949 .
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